Wounded Soul
Wounded Soul is a 2D platforming adventure game where you take on the role of your conscience, as you enter your own body to protect it from both physical and metaphysical threats.
Wounded Soul was a semester-long project developed by myself and my partner Cassidy Pong. Music and sound design were provided by Raphael Almeida. Check us out on itch.io!
What I Did
Designed and implemented all gameplay features
Familiarized myself with numerous asset pipelines as sole Unity engineer for the project, including:
Unity Animation Controller
Unity Cinemachine
Unity Audio System

Sell-sheet made to pitch the project to students at Berklee College of Music

Acted as sole Unity engineer, resulting in intimate familiarity with an extensive number of asset pipelines.
Sample animation state-machine for the player character.

In-editor still of the Main Menu scene with custom-built UI.