
Bloobo is a 2D physics-puzzle game where you play as a test subject hired by TubeTech to experiment with high-speed physical tracks that allow the newly discovered bloobo particles to travel paths from one blue extraction tube to the next. Grow to love your bloobos as you uncover TubeTech’s secrets.

Bloobo was originally a Master’s thesis project directed by Jacob Ruttenberg. After being developed in same semester-long program as Wounded Soul, Bloobo was expanded upon, and has now reached a wide mobile release which includes an expanded narrative, as well as custom level creation features.

You can find it on the iOS app store, here.

What I Did

  • Collaborated with design team to introduce new gameplay mechanics with a focus on synergy with existing features.

  • Sketched and prototyped levels that tutorialize new mechanics, or introduces new ways to use previously developed ones.

  • Helpep to reformat the pacing of the main campaign, paying special attention to our target audience.


Blindsight: War of the Wardens (2023) - Designer


Dreamland Confectionary (2022) - Level Designer